Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To have and to hold...another baby?

so my husband and i got back from a fun-filled weekend in the big apple, where we got to see old friends and family. one of my good friends has a 7 month old and of course he's the cutest baby ever and i saw alex pushing him in his stroller, carrying him around with the goofiest smile on his face and the urge for a 3rd resurfaced. the urge initially came about months ago after watching the endearing jamal (from slumdog millionaire) fall into a pit of poo and then emerge to meet the iconic Amitabh Bachan. this desire to give birth to a son was safely locked away a swift 24 hours later. as my 33rd birthday approaches, it is time to do what i do best. make a list of the + and - (pun intended!) of having another baby.

+ (pluses)
- the chance to have a mama's boy (both of my daughters are daddy's girls)
- the chance to have a girl and really make alex suffer (muwahaha)
- i know it would make alex crazy happy to have a son carry on the mohseni name (and mow the lawn, take out the trash, help wash the cars, etc.)
- i've always wanted a big family (at the end of my wedding video we talk about having 5 kids...and no we were not inebriated)
- increasing the likelihood of at least one of my kids thinking i'm cool and hanging out with me later in life
- going through the cute baby stages of 3 mos - 1 year.

- (minuses)
- 9 months of pregnancy and looking like ass
- weight gain
- lack of sleep for at least another 2 years
- baby could be born unhealthy
- the possibility of having another teenage daughter
- if i have a boy, i may turn into of those mother-in-laws who thinks her tak-pesar (aka only son) is god's gift to the world (if you're persian you know full well what i mean)
- feeling like a single mom because alex is never around
- moving into (and cleaning) a bigger house
- increased chauffeuring duties
- whiping another butt for the next 5 years of my life
- and most important of all: grandparents no longer offering their babysitting services

i'll stop now. suffice it to say, i don't think i'm quite ready to buy a......van (shudder)...just yet.


  1. I am so glad your blog is back, Taraneh! I'm looking forward to following your adventures with your beautiful little girls. :-)

  2. ooooh...that's quite a list. i will say this...i love my mama's boy. and, i have also (do i dare say it?) contemplated a third.your kids are gorgeous so why not add to the pool of attractive people in this world. :-)

  3. three can be a lot... of fun and struggle. your pro/con list is great, but a lot of the con stuff is temporary. i was basically a single mom of three for about a year and it was tough. best of luck with the decision making!

  4. going from lazy mom to super mom....huge +. anais becoming the middle child...huge -. love you. xoxox


  5. I know what you mean. I really want a third baby too. Maybe in 3 years. Do what you know is right in your heart.

  6. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a boy!!!! All the minuses are temporary (fat, grumpy, preggo, poop-wiping) and all the pluses are FOREVER (bache-naneh, mowing the lawn, carrying on the family name). DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. oh, and it's Matin ... for some reason, the retarded thing put me down as mustachio.

  8. thank you matin for your words of wisdom. it's nice to know i have you as my sole male following. come over and let me teach you a thing or two about hokm.
