i took the xmas tree down today and have begun the long, arduous task of decluttering our home. today, my husband wants to sell the house and move to washington dc. key emphasis on "today." you see my husband changes his mind on a daily basis about where our future home should be. one day it's mclean. the next, it's reston or centreville. we even dabbled with living in spain, italy, latvia and iran! i wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow he'd like to move to korea (his food of choice).
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Flurry of Events
i took the xmas tree down today and have begun the long, arduous task of decluttering our home. today, my husband wants to sell the house and move to washington dc. key emphasis on "today." you see my husband changes his mind on a daily basis about where our future home should be. one day it's mclean. the next, it's reston or centreville. we even dabbled with living in spain, italy, latvia and iran! i wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow he'd like to move to korea (his food of choice).
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Got Mail?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes A Third Baby in a Baby Carriage?

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Humbling Experience or Two
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Man Gribants Est (I'm Hungry in Latvian)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oh, I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sushi Talk
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Beware: Curfews May Lead to Increase in Promiscuity

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We Don't Need No Education...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
You and Me Baby Aint Nothin' But Mammals...

Sunday, September 27, 2009
"It's All Relative in West Virginia"
my ideal vacation = white sand, clear blue water, hot sun, massages, fantastic book, delicious food, dancing, beautiful sunsets, jet-skiing, burnt nose and cheeks (i'm olive skinned and wear blush 24-7 people), the best desserts, sleeping in, and NO KIDS (i love them, but can't i get a week free of diapers, poo, cheddar bunnies, questions, the berenstain bears, nose-picking and daily laundry?)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Driving Miss Dina
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Doing vs. Getting it Done

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Till Running Do Us Part

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Never Trust a Ho
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Get In My Belly

sorry i've been MIA lately. i've been busy traveling, gaining weight, and spending time with my family. i have gained 7 pounds this summer. add to that the 10 pounds of baby weight i never lost giving birth to A. you do the math. and i'm starting to notice it in places other than my ever expanding mid-section. i do double takes when i see myself in the mirror. woah check out that girl's double chin. wait. that's me. my skinny chicken legs are still in tact, but now i'm sporting some serious purdue chick thighs. my husband is constantly pulling on my former stick-man arms and there is at least an inch of fat in his grasps. and god, please forget about my prayers for a J-Lo ass. i was just kidding. (and what i really meant was J-Lo's ass pre Marc Anthony and kids, not preggo J-Lo ass) i want my flat ass (the one my asian friends and i would lament about in high school) back please. and can't i just once be like those bitches who gain weight in their boobs?
i'm growing old. losing weight has become a battle. my 114 pound high school days are over and i need to get a grip. i am a lone soldier fighting an army of ice-cream, cakes, tarts, cookies, heath bars, kit kats (or as D likes to call them:kitty kats), lindt chocolates, sohan (persian version of brittle), whip-cream, flan, creme brule, tiramisu, brownies, batter, etc.
but i'm sick and tired of retreating. it's one thing to take over my belly territory, but when you start fucking with my face and neck, oh i am going to go ape shit. insert 3- finger-Z snaps. a grit. and a 360 degree circular neck roll. shiiyet.
i am going to get my life in order. i'm going to figure out what i want to do: law, teach, write, open up a stand at my farmer's market, go back to school, dance, become a model (ha! just making sure you're paying attention), what have you. i'm going to stop turning to sweets as a quick fix or temporary fulfillment from what's really missing in my life right now. i'm going to make my husband fall in love all over again with that "persian princess" who was driven, ambitious, and skinny (aka smokin hot) in undergrad.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Poop Scoop
i hope you're not getting too tired of reading about poo. but lately my life revolves around it. no really! A has developed a major problem with constipation and pounds of blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and plums have failed to work their magic. a typical conversation between me and my husband goes as follows:
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Shake that Healthy Butt, Baby Got Back...

Friday, July 10, 2009
Holy Shit!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda
I guess I’m not the kind of mom I thought I’d be:
I thought I would:
Have 5 kids
Raise perfect kids
Never raise my voice
Never lose my temper
Never leave a diaper on too long
Never turn on PBS Kids so I can check my email
Set up weekly play-dates
Be gung-ho about arts & crafts
Prepare nutritious home cooked meals every night
Have a spotless home, with color-coordinated bins for my kids’ toys
Look fit, skinny, and stylish with no sleep
Have loads of energy
Maintain composure and not appear desperate when husband comes home
Go back to work after spending a year or two with kids
Enjoy family vacations
Be the kind of mom my mom wants me to be
Be the kind of mom my mom was to me
Throw fabulous dinner parties
Never throw away my kids’ drawings
Never rush through bedtime stories
Update baby/scrap books
Never be so happy for nap time or bedtime
The reality is…that I’m exhausted. And sometimes I lose it. I mean really lose it. The frozen foods aisle of Trader Joes is my savior. My husband and I love each other too much to have a 3rd kid. Dina is moody and whines more than my soon-to-be-2-year-old. Anais still doesn’t know her ABCs and 123s and loves to announce her daily farts (Ana gooz). I cannot get rid of 10 pounds of baby weight (which is sitting pretty in my mid-section). I would rather go on a vacation with my husband or girlfriends. I can’t wipe the huge grin off my face when my kids are tucked away in bed. In fact, I'll admit it - at times, it can be the highlight of my day. I often look like I belong in a zoo when my husband comes home from a 12 hour shift and I practically throw the kids at him when he walks through the door (unless I’ve put them to bed at 7pm).
I think it's time I let go of the guilt.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Like Fingernails on a Chalkboard
Friday, June 5, 2009
Ode to Ice-Cream
Sunday, May 31, 2009
So you think you can dance?
- make-up artist - she has ruined 2 of my cherry chapsticks thus far with her continuous applications
- shoe model - she loves to wear high-heels around the house and give us all a headache in the process
- hair stylist - she loves to brush (and yank) my hair (and ears).
- telephone operator - girlfriend loves to talk on mommy's cellphone
- nanny - she is so maternal and lovingly pushes her baby around in baby stroller a few hours a day
- chef - she loves to cook with her dad
- acrobat - the girl is a monkey-bar addict
- ice-cream store owner - this is her current response to what do you want to be when you grow up
- mathematician - my 5 year old can add and she hasn't even started kindergarten!
- stylist - she has a unique fashion sense and very strong opinions about clothes to the point that i can no longer pick them out for her.