about once a month, i engage in some serious whining. this complaining is usually directed at my husband. this month's topic: my husband's lack of romance. i can't remember the last time he made plans to take me out on a date. against people's court's advisement, i take matters into my own hands. i line up babysitters (the g-units), make reservations, do my hair, and tell my husband we have plans friday night.
**note to guys: just because you marry the girl, doesn't mean you have to stop writing poems (he is going to kill me), surprising us with chocolate on our cars while we're in LSAT class, accompanying us to the movies (oh that stopped 24 hours after we said "i do")
T: "honey let's see a movie tonight."
A: "i don't do movies."
T: *blank stare*
back in high school, i was the go to person for relationship advice. i doled out relationship advice like it was my job. carolyn hax who? shiiyet. i had zero experience of course, unless you count my boyfriends in kindergarten, 3rd and 4th grade. as a persian girl, growing up with traditional persian parents, i was forbidden to associate let alone date the opposite sex. that didn't stop me of course. funny anecdote: i remember being on 3 way (coolest invention ever at the time) with a boy and one of my friends. we asked him for his list of superlatives (i.e. best looking in our grade, best body etc.) and guess what? yours truly was voted for sexiest voice on the telephone and most likely to xerox her butt. *applause* thank you. thank you. it's such an honor. [please note: i did gain some redemption 9 years later by actually winning best smile in law school (probably my proudest moment)] so why is it that this self-proclaimed relationship guru is having difficulty in her own love life?
so back to yesterday's love affair... i feel way too much pressure going for a run with my husband. i just can't keep up and i feel like i'm holding him back. oh and he thinks i'm some kind of superwoman that can run and simultaneously carry on a conversation. hello! i have asthma. know your family's medical history doc. so after mile 2, he says to me, "okay i'm going to run another few miles and meet you back at the car." wtf? that doesn't sound very romantic. dropping me like a hot potato. i told you i cramp his running style. but i wanted to kiss him right then. soap opera style. i was going to get to turn around, take a leisurely stroll back to the car, listen to my ipod and enjoy some peace and quiet.
T: "sounds good A, see you soon, take your time" and he stops me dead in my tracks.
A: "here you go honey. (he passes the jogging stroller reins to me-mind you there is 80 pounds worth of heavy cargo inside) if you're going to walk back, you might as well get some exercise and take the kids with you."
T: *blank stare* (i'm really good at those.)
oh and guess what loverboy told me this morning, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed:
A: "i think i'm going to do the marine corps marathon in october."
T: taking imaginary gun and pointing it at my head. gulp. "oh, really?"
A: "you know what that means. lots of training. it's only 2 months away."
T: "sounds great babe. i'm sure the kids will love training with you."
A: *blank stare* (now that's a first)
This is too funny for words!!! Taraneh, you should seriously write short stories on the side. You would give David Sedaris a run for his money! What probably cracks me up the most is imagining Alex playing with your hair for 20 minutes. But you never know, maybe he'll surprise you with that someday when you least expect it. :-) As a side note, I do believe the Marine Corps is sold out. I tried signing up for it in late May with no luck. Anyway, hilarious post, keep them coming!! Love you!
too funny, I just read and wanted to leave a comment about how you made me smile and at the same time comment from another Inga got published ;) well, here you are - I guess Ingas are fans of your blog ;)
ReplyDeletemy stomach hurts from laughing so hard! i think this is by far one of your best posts yet! i'm with inga...forget a law job become a professional writer:)
ReplyDeletethanks for totally making my day inga. not only for the sweet compliments but for informing me that the marine corps is sold out. in the words of someone we both know and love - Dagger. :)
ReplyDeletees tevi milu!!
thanks sis! you're the wind beneath my wings and all that good stuff. love you!
ReplyDeleteazizam.kheili bahal minevisi. kheili webloge to ra dost daram va bishtare vaghtha mikhonamesh va gahi baraye mamanam ke migam koli mikhande va ghorbon sadagheye to mire.Bahareh
ReplyDeleteOh em gee, I LOVE the shoes. Where can I get a pair?
ReplyDeletep.s. you're my hero. I can't believe you actually xerox your butt. I've been thinking about it all my life, but never had the balls to actually do it.
- Matin
inga - what a coincidence! thanks for becoming a fan!
ReplyDeletebahareh joon - merci azizam. che dokhtar ameye khoobi hastee ke hameeshe az dokhtar dayeet tareef mikonee. dooset daram!
matin - you CRACK me up. get it. haha. i've never actually xeroxed my butt. i'm staring at my copier right now though and thinking about it. :)
Great post!!! It's funny that for me and Jenny, I'm the one that cramps HER style. We went running together yesterday and I kept having to slow down and walk. And Jenny likes to talk while we run too, but she's good at it. I try, but it sounds like I have one of those massage chairs beating on my back.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, keep it up, I love it! You've got a great writing style!
You are HYSTERICAL! Definitely one of my favorite posts yet, and I agree that you should try to publish a set of short stories. The rest of the world needs to read this! And, seriously, what's the deal with those shoes: what are they supposed to do for you? Oh, and what do you have against dark chocolate? It's the bomb!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I finally updated my blog at your request... but I'm going to have to work on being funnier...you have set the bar! =)