Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Humbling Experience or Two

i had really Great Expectations of myself.  but, i am so pissed. failure is a really hard pill to swallow. i took my praxis II: english content knowledge, language, and literature exam and really blew it. there were 120 questions on the exam and i ran out of time and randomly bubbled in the last 20 questions. i never thought i'd be *that* person. i don't get the results for another 4 weeks, but i'm pretty confident of my less than stellar performance. The (rude) Awakening:  i may have delayed my new goal by 9 months. (i checked they don't have a summer program.) i might as well wear a big S on my chest like Hester in the Scarlet Letter. a big S for STUPID. i never timed myself while taking the practice exams. i'd do 20 questions here. 30 questions there. la di da.  my Don Juan of a husband woke up at 6:00am to take me to this test and had to put up with my foul mood for the remainder of the day.

i'm really embarrassed. i mean fuck. i can pass the virginia bar with little to no studying (shhh don't tell my mom who took care of my kids for 3 weeks so that i could "study.") but i can't pass this shit?! i was amazed to hear that the girls around me were taking the exam for the 5th time!! is me memorizing who wrote Gulliver's fucking Travels really a reflection of the kind of teacher i plan to be?  ok. enough of the allusions. i mean really - how was i going to casually slip in A Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock?  

i'm still crossing my fingers for a miracle.  and i guess i have to keep studying for a possible retake in january. this has been a humbling experience. maybe i'm not the rock star i thought i was and maybe i need to invest in a damn stopwatch.

in other news, i recently won the best wife of the year award. next month, my husband is taking an 8 day vacation without his loving wife and kids.  it started out being a bike trip with me and the kids.  it was crazy impractical, but that's what he loved about it.  i was to attend spinning classes 5 days a week in preparation.  he then came to his senses and asked if he could go it alone.  i will admit, i was a little hurt at first.  my ego was a little bruised. (and damn it this was the push i needed to lose some weight!)  why would he not want to spend his free time with yours truly?  he wants to take a vacation from moi?  the nerve! the hurt turned into resentment.  if anyone should take a solitary vacation around here, it's me! and the resentment dissipated. and in it's place came understanding.  my husband works his ass off and his free time is mostly spent with me and the kids and if he wants some time to himself to bike 40-50 miles a day, he deserves it. 

there are a few caveats (i didn't become a lawyer for nuthin): 
1.  he has to travel within the U.S.  i'm sorry, but i cannot rely on the foreign police to help me find my missing/kidnapped/spandex-wearing husband. 
2. he must call me twice a day to let me know he is alive and well - scratch that. alive and miserable-from missing me so much.  
3. we will go to hawaii and spain in the summer, just me and him.



  1. where's "going to iran" on this list? is that still happening if you're going to spain and hawaii? that's a lot of traveling.

    anyway, sucks to hear about the exam, but it's healthy to have a humbling experience every now and again. just make sure to kick that exam's ass in january!

  2. oh iran is still a definite go. you know your brother. he'll agree to anything later to get what he wants now. ali elyassi's wedding is in hawaii, so that's definite too. i threw in spain, but our finances (and babysitting services) may not allow for it. :)

  3. I totally understand that feeling (I did the exact same thing on the MPRE), but I am willing to bet that you still passed. Don't be so hard on yourself!

    And you definitely are wife of the year for being cool with Alex taking an 8 day vacation solo. Most wives would not be so understanding (including this one). :-)

  4. I definitely think that you still passed. You always have your way with exams, even with out studying!

    It takes a lot for a wife to be so understanding of her hubby taking a vacation alone, although in your eyes biking 30 to 40 miles a day is not considered much of a vacation;) xoxo

  5. I agree with Colleen and Negar, I am willing to bet that you passed, too! You are underestimating yourself. Ok, so you had to bubble in the last 20 questions. Some of those will end up being correct by chance, and what about your other 100 responses that you did think through?? Try to focus on those! :-) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  6. colleen - i came home last night and was going to tell alex you know why don't you take a 4 day vacation by yourself and then spend 4 days with us. he had just bought his ticket to san diego for one week. i don't want to set a precedent. :)
    negar - i was pumped though and ready to do the bike trip. i so wish i was coming with you to australia in january!
    inga - thanks for your vote of confidence!! i'm crossing my fingers.

  7. I'm crossing my fingers you passed. I hate having to wait so long for test results!

  8. Taraneh, thoughts: 1) if you get delayed for another 9 sounds like just enough time to pop out another kid :) and 2) I am taking the GMATs for the second time in January. I did okay on the first one, but know I can do better. So don't think of "S for Stupid", think of S for...stellar? superstar? some other S word?
