much has happened in the last few years...I've missed this little outlet of mine. I've missed writing and I can't say I'm back for good, but at least I'm in the here and now to give a little update. As I write this, I'm dreaming of chocolate, ice-cream, brownies, and cookies. I'm in the midst of a sugar detox and struggling to survive. It's day 3 of a 4 week challenge and I want to make this work. I want to reap all of the benefits associated with such a detox (great skin, better sleep, weight loss, and last but not least - diminished sugar cravings). In other news, my sister is married to a wonderful guy; we will soon embark on a basement renovation to make our basement the fun hangout spot for teenagers, rather than having my kids go to their friends' house to do god knows what with who knows who (perhaps I need to install hidden video cameras as well). All is well on the work front. It is a difficult balance - juggling work, school, and family, but I'm hanging in there with everyone's amazing support.

my beautiful sissy and her flower girls
weekend getaway
The kiddos:

Dina - my baby is graduating from elementary school and will soon enter the hell that is known as middle school. I'm worried, nervous, anxious, and scared shitless. I'm not ready for my kid to pull away from me and be more concerned about what her peers think than what *I* think. my kid is already horrified by some of the physical changes her body is going through. we all know that middle school is when our innocent kids start playing truth or dare (god help me) and being the smartest kid in class is no longer cool.
Anais - my laid-back easy going kid has turned in a little diva. she dyed the ends of her hair with kool-aid last night. she no longer walks, but does cartwheels to go from point A to point B. She is hilarious and has become the comedian of the family.
Ayla - she is the feisty, mischievous boy we never had and never wanted (kidding!!). she keeps us on our toes. she screams because her voice must get heard amongst the strong personalities in the house. she insists on doing everything herself. she's miss independent. she will be starting Montessori school in the fall.
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