Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Movin' on Up...

i know it's been a while...forgive me for i have moved. well not yet, but will be doing so on sunday. where to? back to my old stomping grounds: good ole montgomery county, maryland: a mere 5 minutes away from my in-laws. bring on the unexpected, surprise bike visits at random times throughout the day. i don't mind - especially with soon-to-be three kids! due to job location change and school zoning changes, it no longer makessense to live here. it has been a wild, bumpy 4 years, but there are certainly things i am going to miss about this area. so i will do what i do best: make a list of what i will miss most about this house and clifton, va. while i am at it, i will make a list of what i won't miss and look forward to having in the new abode.

i will miss:
  • wegmanns:
  • lifetime fitness: best.gym.ever. (though i have been a very bad girl and not taken full advantage of this glorious gym for the past 7 months)
  • peterson's ice-cream depot: (my kids are utterly devastated by this loss)
  • my beautiful wide plank tiger wood floors that cost us an arm and a leg
  • our 5 skylights cause skylights are cool
  • my view from my deck onto the backyard: what sold me on agreeing to buy this house. trees and forestry as far as the eye can see
  • costco - yes, i know they're everywhere, but not this close and accessible. i hear the one in gaithersburg is a nightmare.
  • the girls' preschool: best.preschool.ever. where else can they learn japanese, spanish, and how to share nicely?
  • the countless korean restaurants that surround us and bring such joy to my husband and D.
i won't miss:
  • hearing my husband eat his cereal in the kitchen at 4:30am: a drawback of bedrooms on the main level
  • deer eating all of our flowers in the front yard
  • shoveling snow off our abnormally long driveway
  • taking the enormous trash and recycling containers up and down said driveway
  • not being able to take walks around the neighborhood since we live off a busy street without sidewalks
  • having to keep a spotless house 24-7 in case someone stops by for a showing (this is hard with 2 kids who have conveniently forgotten the barneycleanup song)
  • spending 50% of my life in a car driving back and forth to maryland for language schools and visiting family.
  • having to check traffic every single time i plan to make the trek to maryland to see what traffic jam is in store on 66 or 495.
i can't wait...
  • to use the gigantic outdoor community pool behind my house
  • to live closer to all the familial support that i am certain to receive with the arrival of #3: (grandparents, aunts, uncles)
  • living in a house with updated bathrooms. i'm so over the 1970s. :)
  • getting rid of stuff we've acquired throughout the years: it's therapeutic and one thing alex and i have in common - we are not pack rats.
  • to live 5 minutes away from farsi school and latvian school.
  • to decorate a baby room the proper way
  • to live within our means
  • to possibly return to my old job
moving day is sunday. it won't be easy. i move a lot slower these days and tire easily. but, we should be settled by october when we will accept this permanent guest into our new home:


  1. Can't wait to have you guys so much closer!! WOOHOOO!!!

  2. Congratulations and good luck with the move! It has been hard enough for us to move from a 1 BR apartment to a 2 BR apartment. I can't imagine moving a whole house and 2 kids!
