we just got back from a nice relaxing babymoon. some highlights and revelations include:
1. eating amazing dinners courtesy of our hotel owners
2. seeing my cousin and his lovely wife in a whirlwind stay in madrid
3. rekindling our marriage and remembering the reasons why i fell in love with this guy and married him. yes, sometimes both parties must be reminded. and as much as i have to drag alex kicking and screaming on this yearly one week vacay sans the kids, he comes to realize the importance and necessity in regrouping, relaxing, and spending quality time with your significant other.
4. read a lot
5. realized shopping while pregnant in europe only benefits husband and sister. i did manage to win a bet and got myself a post-baby garment.
6. i am quite large at 16 weeks. the united check in guy wanted to see a doctor's note permitting me to fly the friendly skies.
7. alex and i can never go back to a queen size bed. my big belly and his tendency to sleep on the bed as if he's making a snow angel cannot adapt.
8. shopping while pregnant without knowing the sex of the baby prevents you from buying adorable baby clothes from mini zara. alex would not let me buy this awesome beret that would have looked tres chic on my potential little boy. (we find out on may 26!)
9. was greeted at the airport by a nappy-haired 3 year old sporting a black eye and a huge gash on her face. oh wait. that's my kid! turns out she tripped. phew. but there's no excuse for the nappy hair.
me: "hey D, how many times did you and your sister shower over spring break?"
D: "once. but it felt like 3 times."
me: *speechless*
10. making a vow to seriously (fa real fa real) lose all the baby weight once the baby is born. i'm going to be honest here. in the back of my head i always had a feeling that we may go for #3, so i didn't push myself the way i should have to get rid of the excess 20 pounds around my mid-section. i mean what a waste - to go through all that trouble on a treadmill and deny my sweet tooth all for the sake of losing weight only to have it reappear again?! it just seemed absurd at the time (the time = the last 4 years or so.) i will regain my size 4 figure circa 2000 and if it requires the assistance of that hot spaniard with the cool glasses at lifetime fitness, so be it. i will have to give myself completely to him. i will have to trust my life in his strong, tan hands. i will...ahem.
in other news, my 7 year old needs braces. TWICE. now and in 5 years. D inherited my husband's teeth. i have no doubt. i am certain my teeth were not this jacked up. the proof is in the pictures and i just asked the hubs very nonchalantly how long he had braces and he replied, 8 years! i only had them for 1.5 years. it seems to me her father's genes are costing us a pretty penny: thousands of dollars in orthodontics, while my genes are saving us thousands in potential nose jobs. (about 95% of persians have very large adenoids) i think i understand now why my husband wears glasses and refuses to consider lasik surgery.
the leases on our cars expire in a few weeks and i'd rather get run over by an ice-cream truck than buy a mini-van, so i'm exploring all other options to comfortably seat a family of 5. pray for me. :)
Dude, minivans are the shit!! Tbone, you're gonna be luggin around 3 kids; you gotta go for practical.
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you, there's just something so unappealing about a mini-van! Miss you:)
ReplyDeletei think your number one priority should be back seat entertainment with headphone! so glad to have you back:) xx
ReplyDeleteAcura MDX, the 3rd row seating NON-minivan... don't worry no friend of mine will be driving a minivan...we are in the MILF club, hence i will still hold you to that half-marathon we agreed on in 2012. so glad you had a relaxing babymoon :)
ReplyDelete@juris and @sarvin - thankfully the minivan was avoided. :)
ReplyDelete@sara - that's what we have ipads for... :)
@zahra - i am so down for our half marathon in 2012 baby!