you see, d woke up in a foul mood. like her mom, she is not a morning person. the most stressful part of the day for me is definitely getting the girls ready for school in the mornings. it is a rare day that alex is around to help. on this lovely morning, she verbally assaulted her little sister for taking her spot at the dining table during breakfast. super dad was not down with that and miss d's attitude, so he promptly put D in time out in the little thinking chair in the corner. it seems a little ridiculous to put a 7 year old in time out and i think alex was thinking the same thing, so he upped his game.
he gave d a writing assignment. he asked her to write an essay explaining what is considered good and bad behavior in the morning. he said he expects to see the essay when he comes home tonight. of course d's first response was, "what the heck is an essay?" after a brief explanation, alex was off to work and i was stuck at home with two unruly kids. thanks fairfax county.
below you will find d's first essay. i'm sure there will be many more in her future. :)